Ha az ember valamit egyedül gondol, bölcsesség. Ha ketten gondoljuk, delírium. A két ember tanúsága, mint az őrület kezdete.

Hamvas Béla




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Biga Cubensis

Létrehozás ideje:

2003. június 4.

Utolsó hozzászólás:

2010. június 10.



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172 hozzászólás






Felmérés: ELTE kannabiszhasználat önkontrollja
Felmérés: MOKE országos orvosi kannabisz felmérés
Felmérés: Global Drug Survey 2021
Tiltás: (jan. 1.) szigorúbb ÚPA büntetési tételek
Tiltás: (szept. 24.) 207 anyag lett C-listás
Könyv: Ayahuasca – A Lélek Indája


Biga Cubensis, 2003. június 4.

Mielőtt hozzászólnál vagy új témakört nyitnál, olvasd el a DAATH fórumának irányelveit!

136. cup_of_tea2008. december 30. 18:54
Hol van, hol nincs, élt egyszer egy emberszerű lény. Egy napon elhatározta, hogy monoton világát érzékibbre cseréli. Ezért teremtett magának egy világot, melyben emberek élnek, járnak, halnak, s gondolkodnak. Ő közben egy kényelmes díványon feküdt, és iszogatott. Ezek az emberek is teremtettek maguknak egy világot, vagy inkább kettőt, ahol szintén emberek vannak. Egyszer az egyik rosszul döntött és hirtelen struccok jelentek meg s üldözni kezdték. Megállt.....mire számos társával együtt, egy helyen élték tovább sárgás életüket....

134. cup_of_tea2008. december 30. 00:04
Ateizmusról annyit, hogy ma nálunk 2 fajta létezik:
- Aki tagadja
- És aki az egyházellenesség miatt lett

Ezek közül az egyházellenesség van inkább túlsúlyba.

Részemről Isten isten. Ahány ember annyiféle. Mindenki máshogy képzeli el, vagy ruházza fel tulajdonsággal..amennyiben személyről beszélünk. Számomra egy fogalom.

Nem tudjuk kitörölni. S vajon mi lenne, ha alapból meg se ismernénk?

132. Funkbwoy2008. december 22. 09:24
Dionysios Areopagita
Életemben évekig tartó egész korszak volt, amikor csaknem állandóan Dionysios Areopagitának Isten neveiről írt könyvén tépelődtem. Ez a könyv arról szól, hogy az ő tulajdonságait nyelvünk egyetlen szava sem képes megjelölni. Sem az, hogy mindenható, sem az, hogy mindentudó, mindenütt jelenvaló, igazság, szépség, hatalom, jóság, kegyelem. Ő a meghatározhatatlan. A megismerhetetlen. A megfoghatatlan. Az egyetlen valóság, az egyetlen megfogható, az egyetlen megismerhető.
Miközben e könyvön tűnődtem, egyszer mégis megpillantottam. Gyermek volt. Érzékeny és törékeny, ártatlan és egyszerű. Gyengéd volt. Olyan gyengéd volt, hogy ahányszor csak arra gondolok, milyen gyengéd volt, megrendülök, szemembe könnyek gyűlnek. Azóta szeretem őt. Azóta szeretem őt mindenek felett és határtalanul és szenvedélyesen és reszketve szeretem és azóta értem, hogy a gyengédség az ő legnagyobb ereje. Ez a szelídség. Ez az alázat. A finomság, a tapintat, az előzékenység, az udvariasság, a báj, a türelem, a diszkréció.
Azért megfoghatatlan, mert ilyen egyszerű. Azért olyan erős, mert olyan gyenge. Azért mindenható, mert alázatos. Azért határtalan, mert olyan törékeny. Az ő félelmetes hatalma azért mennydörög, mert ő a leghalkabb.
Erről ismerem fel az embert, aki az ő legfőbb tulajdonsága. Nem az elkápráztató tehetség, nem a nagyság, a hatalom, a siker, a bámulatraméltó arányok, a hős, a szépség. Nem. A diszkréció, a bizalom, az alázat, az ártatlanság, az udvariasság, a gyengédség, a leghalkabb hang. Igen, a gyengédség.

131. Funkbwoy2008. október 28. 18:57
már te sem éltél hiába akkor

130. retek2008. október 25. 13:05
evolúciós okokból kialakult mindenevőú fogazatom kihasználom. meg ehhez alkalmazkodott a bélcsatornám is. max kevesebb hús, mint evolúciós irány?

129. Funkbwoy2008. október 25. 11:04

"Nem tudom, hogy mit nem látok"

128. Funkbwoy2008. október 21. 17:46
"Isten létét tagadóknál csak azok botorabbak, akik Isten létét bizonyítják." Hamann

ezért nem esztek húst?

127. retek2008. október 2. 00:56
Linné mutatta:D

Linnell ZM, pubmedről, nincs onnan linkelés, :(

This paper presents details of the development of recursive thought from early infancy to early childhood. During this period the child is said to face the task of developing a "representational theory of mind." In earlier writings I have suggested eight developmental stages of modeling of mind emerging from brain development. My emphasis has been that the selectionist neural Darwinian nature of the phylogenetic background for human brains and the accompanying nurture of the prolonged infant learning period for minds have together fashioned clear-cut steps of what the mind has to learn about thinking during this period. Object relations development of increasing sophistication emerges naturally from the recursive, back and forth communications between people and internally self-reflective dialogues, which take place together. Both natural selection and social instruction based on that selection are seen as necessary aspects of this development. The contributions of Edelman, Tomasello, Barresi and Moore, and Fonagy and Target are each uniquely useful to catch these infant development concepts. My contributions of eight infant developmental stages by four-and-a-half years of age fit with the findings of these others.

Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts.

Mental representation as a psychoanalytic concept has never found a central place in the family of psychoanalytic concepts and gradually has become a stepchild. A modest conceptual outline of infant mental development may help the mental representation concept become more central. The following ideas are hypothesized: (1) Registration is viewed separately from representation so that two distinct types of registration are initiated, one for distinctly mental phenomena, the other for unconscious, reflexive phenomena. (2) Perceptual-apperceptual focus is central, so that consciousness and interest in thinking always occur together whenever registrations are of the mental type. (3) A developmental schema process is proposed that will fill the humanistic object-self and motivational gap between Piaget's and Freud's ideas. (4) Analogy, metaphor, and syntax are seen to contribute to (in addition to being contributed to by) schema formation. (5) The mind is conceived as both an organization of information and as an organizer of information. This allows the separateness of representability from physical influences to be understood as both motivational and basically as process. With these hypotheses, mental representation may be viewed as central to mental organization.

126. metametta2008. szeptember 27. 21:38

Darwinian theory does not answer the question, if brain development occurs by means of competition of fitness, which I call adaptability, within the cellular and molecular neural matrix and there is no reason to believe why should evolutionary pressure, which is characterized by haphazard events, would lead to a brain that is the way and shape we know it to be? If chaotic events lead to the formation of a functional brain what forces come into play to maintain the chaos? Now we know that for a brain to be functional it seems that it has to have a certain shape and conform to an approximate size and have convolutions in a species specific manner, these basic rules must be met in all species, although the extent of change permissible to maintain functionality is relative within species and between individual organisms.

The bottom line is that although there must be preordained physical principles for the universe to form and for the brain and consciousness to exist, relativity is not sufficient to explain why do they evolve and coexist in the way they do, however, we can be certain that there must be room for chance and probability to occur within the realms permissible by the laws of nature!

Theoretical approaches are thus many times more advanced than our current technology, and several analogous examples can be found in physics among other disciplines. Perhaps our contemporary approaches are too basic for such an undertaking or it could be hypothesized that small advances will ultimately pave the way for major breakthroughs. As we proceed through this venture, however, we find that the brain is increasingly more complex than previously believed, complex beyond measure. Nonetheless, the change is not likely to come from technology per se, but the true breakthrough must be conceptual in nature!

125. metametta2008. szeptember 27. 21:33
idemásolok egy nekem cimzett levelet, egy hosszas levélváltásból, mert sztem elég érdekes.

The genome is in essence fixed, thus genetic modifications imply that permanent changes in the genetic material itself alter transcription and subsequent processes. Conversely, epigenetic changes underlie reversible, yet acquired and heritable patterns in the conformation of chromatin, which are themselves responsible for influencing which genes will be either upregulated or downregulated, what are the temporal qualities of gene transcription, translation, and posttranslation, and regulate the extent or level of these genetic events. In other words, epigenetic modifications enable an organism to adapt to the environment by permitting an interplay between the fixed genome with the ever changing internal and external millieu.

The question of what determines the first instance of consciousness is in many ways similar to the question of what led to the creation of the universe.

If the universe was created according to the laws of science, the right elements had to have been present to trigger the first event of creation. What led to these elements to come together in the first place? And even so, once these elements were there, what triggered the reaction that led to the initial event of creation to take place? If we say the universe had an origin, it would certainly render some of these questions irrelevant.

If we instead argue that many universes of diverse sizes emerged and dissipaded (in other words, collapsed) continuously at diverse rates, which were influenced by variable changes in the intensity of microwave background arriving from all directions(Hawkins has used the analogy of bubbles produced by boiling water). It could be speculated that these irregularities influenced the expansion of these universes. Thus, many of these mini universes were so insignificant to cause any significant change in the formation of stars and galaxies that they collapsed, however, more significant universes expanded above a significant threshold which prevented them from collapsing, and their expansion is predicted to have occurred at a rate of 10 X ^ 12 per fraction of a second. However, the non-uniform nature of the universe at least in early stages implies that areas in the expanding universe had minor changes in density and greater density leads to an increase in gravitational pull such that expansion is reduced, which in turn permits the formation of galaxies and stars. These cumulative events have led to the formation of the universe how it is at present.

On the surface, Darwinian theory for brain development along with consciousness would imply that when the initial elements were present, cells emerged and formed connections with variability in the extent of connections and activity within these connections, when the connectivity and strength was insignificant cells were rendered inactive and thus died, other cells whose connections grew stronger by their activity patterns within a network of other cells survived and became relevant to the expansion and density of the cortical layers which determine brain growth. Thus, I believe consciousness invokes a continuous and cumulative process which is triggered when neural activity is spontaneously initiated. This however, is not uniform. Although genes determine the basic features of this design, these are not uniform as modifications in the chromatin structure influence differential gene expression, causing variations in the neural activity which regulates and is in itself regulated by epigenomic modifications. This non-uniformity will produce spatiotemporal diversity within neuroanatomy and all the molecular and cellular components, and this is at the heart of interspeciation and individuality within a given species. Moreover, these variations in transmitter levels, neural activity, and cellular diversity underlie individual differences in consciousness, personality, propensity for disease and recovery.

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